Knowledge base: Firmware upgrade

Firmware upgrade


1) It works only on Windows. Is there a Mac or Linux version?

The Train-O-Matic Programmer only works with Windows, unfortunately. But we are looking at bringing it to others systems in the future.

2) Long address can not be read with the Train-O-Matic Programmer v4.x

Use a normal command station to test the long address.

3) When starting the Programmer software, a message appears “Wrong Programmer ComPort selection!!!, try other port”. The power (16-18V) and USB cable are connected.

Quit the Programmer software and start it up again. This might already solve your problem. But…

When that doesn’t work do the following:

1. Open Programmer and ignore the error

2. Click on the Firmware tab

3. On the right, top, click on the button “Com. Setup”.

4. In the set up pop-up, click on the Port list.

5. Choose the port shown.

The programmer should work now.

4) When starting the programmer "Com Err !!!" appears.

1. In Windows Explorer click with the right mouse button on the program executable, and select Troubleshoot Compatibility

2. Select Troubleshoot program

3. Check the first option (as in the picture)

4. Select as a first option Windows7. Press Next.

5. Press Test Program

6. Test if the program works normally

7. If yes, select Next, and in the next menu save the settings

8. If it still does not work, please go back to step 4, and select Windows XP and follow again from step 5.
